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Scenic on Eglinton
Scenic III

Nestled in on the edge of Don Valley near midtown, Scenic on Eglinton doesn't quite live up to the scenic billing... although the views from tower III for anyone on the east side of the building are very pretty. Anyone on the south or west side get a lovely view of a rare pocket of industrial, slowly being pushed out by commercial development.

Location attributes for Scenic on Eglinton
Thorncliffe Park
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Built   Status   Difficulty
2015   Active (Secured)   ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hazards Risk   Security Risk   AUE Rating
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆   ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆   ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hazard Observations   Security Observations
None Specified   None Specified

The Scenic on Eglinton complex consists of three towers, clocking in at 16, 12, and 18 stories, heights that are mostly unheard of in the old-suburbia of Leaside. However, with the construction of the Eglinton Crosstown rapid transit line just footsteps away, towers like this will soon become the norm for the area. Not that the existing residents are thrilled by this prospect, given their opposition to the construction.

Currently, the towers of Scenic I and II are complete, with residents having moved in. Scenic III is under construction, having capped out at the top with just the utility rooms to build at roof level. The rough framing for the units is in place, and judging by the size, many will be living in shoebox sized units. Which is par for the course in the Toronto condo market.

The tower did offer some unique views, although pictures from the roof were out of the question given the winds the night of our visit. Going down a floor or two solved the wind issue, though, so we had to settle with taking our photos from there. We also did get some excellent views of the Crosstown construction site from above, which is a bonus.

All in all, not a bad night.

Urban Scenery - December 2015
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