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Timiskaming Travels
Aug 15, 2021
Timiskaming Travels

Like the majority of the world, I spent the last year and a bit living under lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the annual mine trip was cancelled last year, and I never did get an opportunity to descend into the underground depths. This year, though, plans were carefully laid out to ensure that there would not be a repeat of the cancellation.

Those plans fully paid off this year. This was our most successful trip by far, with a number of new sites found, and some old favourites re-visited. For the new sites found this year, the Cart & Trolley Mine and the Flooded Graffiti Mine have been added, while a new gallery has been added to CFS Ramore, one of my favourite non-underground locations in the north.

For the first time as well, we crossed over the border into Quebec to look at some sites over there. While we did not get into any major workings on the Quebec side, we did gather some valuable information that will be put to use in future trips.

Abandoned UE
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