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Westview Greenbelt
North York Storm Trunk Sewer

Built to channel what was once a tributary to Black Creek, the Westview Greenbelt serves as the storm drainage system for the area south of Lawrence, north of Eglinton, and from Black Creek eastward to the Allen Expressway. While the name of the tributary has since been forgotten, the Westview Greenbelt is distinct enough that it won't be.

Location attributes for Westview Greenbelt
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Built   Status   Difficulty
Unknown   Active (Non-Public Access)   ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hazards Risk   Security Risk   AUE Rating
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Hazard Observations   Security Observations
Flash Flood Potential   None Specified

The Greenbelt starts off simple enough at the outfall with a standard grill sitting behind a series of churn blocks. Entering, you find yourself in a standard reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) that is large enough to comfortably walk in. From here, it twists and turns, passing by manholes (some of which have had their ladders damaged badly... perhaps by a storm surge).

And then, the drain becomes something I've never encountered before... a corrugated metal pipe with a rubber coating on the inside. Rather, the remains of a rubber coating inside. The water has taken it's toll on the rubber, in some places ripping huge patches clean off the metal.

The drain continues to twist and turn, encountering a few inclines but none that aren't negotiable. And then comes a long, fairly steep incline, followed by a return to RCP, if you can call it that.

See, the imprints of the formwork are very visible in the walls; you can tell that wooden planks were used as the form. My guess is that this section was cast in-situ, unlike the precast RCP near the outfall. There are also several stairs here, allowing for some interesting photos.

It was here that the group I was with turned back; the coldness of the drain was beginning to get to several members of our party. We missed out on an interesting junction further upstream, but not much more than that.

And upon our exit, we all agreed that it was time well spent in this section of the underground.

Corrugated Depths - July 2010
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