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Eastman Kodak Complex

The irony of this visit was never lost on me. I was visiting the remains of the Eastman Kodak complex, once the manufacturing home for rolls upon rolls of film, carrying on my back one of the reasons for the demise of the film industry... my digital camera. But such is life in any industry where technology can have major impacts... you adapt or you end up left behind.

Location attributes for Eastman Kodak Complex
Mt. Dennis
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Built :: Closed   Status   Difficulty
1913 :: 2006   Formerly Abandoned   ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hazards Risk   Security Risk   AUE Rating
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆   ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hazard Observations   Security Observations
Fire Damage   None Specified

The Kodak complex, once home to a dozen buildings, is now the home of a vast wasteland of contaminated land, pits filled with murky water, very little in the way of growth... and building 9. For some reason, building 9 seems to have been spared the wrecking ball by the demolition crew (however, not the wrecking force of locals). It appears it was once some sort of recreational building, complete with a gymnasium.

It has, however, been badly vandalized over time. Debris sits scattered amok, with holes knocked into walls, and tiles ripped away. There was also evidence of fires having been set (complete with another group of three teenagers with terrible taste in music near a fire in the gym, disrupting my plans to get photos in there with the smoke), and windows smashed throughout the building. Building 9 is not in good shape.

It is, however, fairly easy to get into (for now) and really doesn't have too many hazards as long as you pay attention to where you walk. It also offers some excellent photo locations if you're into large, empty places or stairwells with unique lighting conditions (the entire first floor is boarded up, while the upper floors are not). Swing by and take a look if you're in the area.

The Push To Digital - March 2010
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