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Eglinton Bus Terminal
Toronto Transit Commission

Once the active gateway of the suburbs, the original bus platforms at Eglinton subway station sit unused, sealed off from the rest of the world by walls inside the station, and a fence outside the station.

Location attributes for Eglinton Bus Terminal
Yonge / Eglinton
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Built :: Closed   Status   Difficulty
1951 :: 2004   Demolished   ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hazards Risk   Security Risk   AUE Rating
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆   ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Hazard Observations   Security Observations
Collapsing Ceiling, Unstable Concrete   TTC Special Constables

The reason for this isn't apparent on the surface that most people see. Inside, however, it's very apparent; the bus terminal is suffering from major structural decay. Metal scaffolding, most of which is rusting away, holds up several sections of the roof, which is composed of crumbling concrete that leaks water every time it rains. Small chunks of concrete can be found on the floor of the terminal, as another sign that all is not well here. Simply put, the roof of the terminal could not support the weight of a bus should it be sitting at one of the bus bays above the terminal, which led to the closure of the terminal and the opening of a new one right next to it.

It's extremely difficult to get in, as the door from the public part of the station is always locked, and there is a police station that can monitor the entire fence line surrounding the above ground portion of the station. If you do get in, though, the trouble doesn't end there; you have to be aware of TTC staff, rusted pieces of metal, parts of the roof hanging down from above and leaking water.

To put it bluntly... it's not interesting enough to get caught over while scaling the exterior fence. Of course, should you get in...

Historical Photos - Sometime in the Past...

The first four photos were posted by HI-LITE in the UER galleries. Credit to him for finding them.

The last two photos are from the City of Toronto archives, and were located by user Mr. Fuzzy on the UER Forums. The link to the post is:

A Former Gateway - August 2005
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